proof that brand foundation isn’t snake oil

I want to dive into some real-life examples illustrating how brand foundations can truly shape your journey to success in business. Like me, you’ve probably worked at a company whose values were just an old dust-covered poster hung in the back room or mission statement you only heard once in an old cheesy-ass VHS training video. Successful brands recognize the importance of using these as the valuable tools that they are.

Your Toolkit to Success

You've probably heard me talk about the importance of defining your brand's purpose, mission, and vision. These elements aren't just fancy words; they're the backbone of your brand strategy, guiding every decision you make and every action you take. But how do these ACTUALLY help in the real world?

Let me give you a glimpse into my own experience. Over the past 9 years as I’ve navigated my brand journey, I’ve encountered opportunities that could have easily veered me off course. I think of it as “every action you take can bring you closer to or farther away from your goals”. So whether you’re planning your next big venture or making a small process change to the way you work with my clients, looking to your foundational statements as a guide will help make those decisions easier.

Take, for instance, just the other day… I’ve noticed a rise in designers who allow clients to book projects with them online, as seamless as placing an order on Amazon. I jotted this down as something I should consider implementing. I mean, more projects = more money - and not having that capability on my site could be the reason someone doesn’t choose to work with me.

Sure, it sounds convenient, and many successful designers adopt this approach. But for me, it didn't align with my brand's deeper purpose and vision. You see, my vision is to "ignite a spark of creativity and leave a positive impact on the world." To achieve this, I've realized that I need more than just a transactional relationship with my clients.

I choose to work with businesses whose missions resonate with mine, where our values align, and where I believe I can genuinely make a difference. This means taking the time to connect with potential clients, to understand their goals, values, and aspirations before committing to a project.

To put it simply, I want to know that we vibe before we commit to a short or long-term relationship with each other. For me to “leave a positive impact on the world”, I need to know that the work I do aligns with my values and makes me feel good. & when I feel good, I do great work, so this benefits both of us.

This approach may seem counterintuitive to some, but for me, it's integral to staying true to my brand's vision and making a meaningful impact. It's about quality over quantity, alignment over convenience.

Remember, your brand's purpose, mission, and vision aren't just statements on paper; they're guiding principles that shape every aspect of your business. They are crafted unique to you - why you exist, your goals, your standards. By staying true to these foundations, you not only attract the right clients and opportunities but also pave the way for long-term success and fulfillment.

Warmest regards,

Katie Mont 🌟

Your Friendly Neighborhood Web Designer & Brand Identity Enthusiast


Your Purpose, mission, vision, and values